This ministry was founded in 1990 by Sandy Day, a dear family friend, after she lost her stillborn son, Caleb. This ministry was instrumental in helping me after we lost our first son, Solomon. There is a lot of helpful info and resources here for those who long to have children, have had pregnancy or infant loss, and those who have had past abortions.
The P.A.T. Ministry provides to families who experience the loss of a baby (stillbirth, or early infant death) a beautiful, white treasure box filled with a burial gown, a bonnet, an envelope for the baby’s hair, a copy of “Morning Will Come,” and a blanket all wrapped in acid free tissue paper. They are dispersed through hospitals and sometimes churches or individuals that request one. I will forever treasure my P.A.T. box with our son's keepsakes in them.
This is a beautiful ministry that provides helpful resources and hope-filled community for women finding joy after miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. It's also a great resource for those who may be walking alongside a grieving mom and family.
"Our desire at The Morning is to provide community in meaningful ways to help you connect with other moms who have experienced a similar loss and understand what you are going through. We also desire to provide resources specific to your loss that will help you navigate this grief journey."
A podcast for women who have experienced pregnancy or infant loss.
I am so thankful a friend shared this podcast with me. I feel like I've become friends with these moms who have walked this hard road of grief before me as they share openly and candidly about what it's looked like for them to navigate their grief. You will surely feel less alone after spending some time with these ladies.
This ministry and event was started by a beautiful couple located out of Charlotte, NC. Their website will bring encouragement as you read about the Lord's faithfulness in their lives and the life of their stillborn daughter, as well as other helpful information.
We were blessed to participate in their first annual 5k to raise awareness for pregnancy and infant loss and walk in honor of many precious lives lost. It was balm to my hurting heart and a great way to connect with other loss families.
We can all benefit from counseling at some point in our lives. If you are struggling and would like to talk to a counselor about helping you through your grief, this is a wonderful free resource. You can find more info and even search for a trained Biblical counselor to contact in your area through the Association of Biblical Counselors website.
Kristen Hernandez is "a wife, a mother, a believer, a friend. A 30-something mama to 5 in heaven and 1 in my arms, who is clinging to hope and trying to bring as many people with me."
She has many encouraging resources—including her recently released book "Sunlight in December," blog, and podcast.
"Through her own story of heartbreak, Ashley will guide you on a journey to trust God's promise to restore your joy, use your grief for good, and spend eternity with your baby in Heaven.
Podcast episodes feature hope-filled messages, stories, and guest interviews. Grieving mothers will be reminded that though we may grieve, we do not grieve without hope!"